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Digital assistants are all the rage now.
Since their inception not too long ago, demand for these digital assistants has surged, bringing them mainstream in a short span of time. People have quickly discovered just how great this technology is, and how it changes the way they use search engines.
This evolution is not just good news for consumers, but also for those in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.
In this article, we’ll outline how digital assistants can be PPC game-changers today and in future years to come.
Every digital giant worth knowing is investing in making artificial intelligence-powered (AI) digital assistants more precise and powerful.
The leaders in this race are Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple, all of which have their own digital assistant:
Larger IT companies are now developing digital assistants of their own as well, due to the assistant’s efficiency in keeping track of trends and boosting customer service. Now that voice search is also becoming a commonly used service, consumers are interacting with search engines in new ways.
So, how are digital assistants helping people, exactly?
In general, this technology makes daily tasks more convenient for users by:
While digital assistants are making people’s lives more convenient, this smart technology is also boosting digital marketing effectiveness.
Here are eight ways digital assistants are improving the daily grind for marketers and advertisers.
In the initial stages, Google’s voice search assistant voice recognition precision rate was at 5 percent. Now, the technology has a precision rate of 90-95 percent — an astonishing achievement, and all thanks to the advancements in AI. This level of precision will help marketers connect to their audience who are searching for their products and services.
Digital assistants learn a lot about consumer behavior through machine learning and AI.
For instance, depending on the learning data, assistants offer personalized results based on the consumer’s interests and behaviors. This enhances the user experience. By using these behavioral statistics, marketers can target their prospects with more accuracy. This will also increase the quality of traffic and engagement rates.
Much of what marketers are working on is based on assumptions from consistently testing and adjusting their campaigns. PPC analysis and performance reporting tools are a lot more accurate than what they were like in the past.
A built-in AI system that learns from user engagement and behavior throughout the customer journey will help advertisers to optimize PPC campaigns. One of the most fascinating uses of digital assistants is the possibility to display targeted content, such as personalized product recommendations for customers.
One of the most common features of these assistants is their ability to integrate into search engines via voice search.
Voice assistants such as Google Assistant retrieve answers to a user’s spoken questions by generating the most appropriate, relevant websites. This provides marketers with an advantage over the targeting approach due to the increased relevance of the results.
The low response time of results is a big attraction for users, which has led to an increased amount of generated searches through digital assistants. Ultimately, this increases the number of opportunities for marketers to climb to the top of Google. Users are also more likely to navigate directly to your site through voice search.
Digital assistants are changing the way writers tell stories.
Marketers are moving towards more engaging, interactive content to climb to perform better in voice search results. This ultimately results in online content refinement. Now, content marketers don’t need to create large, text-based blogs. Instead, people are more attracted to brief, concise content.
In the future, marketers may begin using digital assistants to present customized, optimized results to their prospects.
This will lead visitors down to the bottom of the marketing funnel. Presenting visitors with the easiest and most direct methods of purchasing will ultimately increase conversion rates.
Predictive analysis is the use of historical data, machine learning techniques, and statistical algorithms to accurately project future events.
Through the power of AI, marketers can design these assistants to analyze previous campaign data, suggest optimized changes and predict the future profitability of these changes.
AI is here to stay. The technology is becoming more sophisticated, and more powerful than ever before. This is especially true when it comes to analyzing the buyer’s journey through PPC campaigns. However, this doesn’t mean that as a digital marketer, you should become an expert at AI in order to survive.
All you need to do is understand how to incorporate these methods into your marketing strategies. While you don’t need to know the technical side of AI, it’s useful to utilize AI as a tool to help shape your PPC campaigns.
Although it’s too early to know, the increasing global usage of digital assistants suggests further AI domination in the future.
These virtual assistant developments are reducing the need for human interaction due to their efficiency and time-saving capabilities. However, that doesn’t mean these technologies will replace humans altogether. Choosing to adapt to the new era of AI or to remain with past trends is your choice.
AI adaptation is quickly becoming a must-do, and digital assistants are predicted to play a huge role in the years ahead. There’s no better time to start experimenting with them than today.
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