Nowadays, growing a profitable business goes beyond having a robust sales and marketing strategy. You’ll have to focus on your customer’s success. If not, you’ll risk losing them to your competitors.
After all, there are endless options for customers in the marketplace. The cost of retaining your existing customers is much lower than the cost of acquiring a new customer. To get the most out of your business growth, you will have to focus on client success.
But what is client success? In a nutshell, client success means customer success — and it involves investing in the outcome of your customer. This guide shows you what client success is, client success tools, and how to give your customers the best experience.
Definition: Client success involves active participation in your customer’s needs, questions, and challenges — and proactively coming up with ways to solve them. Client success helps in boosting the customer’s retention rate and happiness. All these will boost the overall business revenue and encourage customer loyalty.
Client success and customer success are used interchangeably in the marketing world. The primary objective is to help customers achieve their goals through the use of your product (or service) offering. Client success goes beyond having an excellent customer support team. It’s all about helping the customer get the most value from your products (or services).
Client success is a recipe for business success. If you’re genuinely invested in the success and happiness of your customers, it boosts customer loyalty. That will, in turn, make them your biggest brand advocates and promoters. Client success helps in reducing the churn rate while improving customer satisfaction and renewal rate. All these will boost the overall revenue of your business.
Client success can grow the number of your brand promoters and advocates. If you offer subscription-based services, it will boost your renewal rates. If more customers are happy with your brand offering, it will reduce churn rates. A decrease in the churn rate with a corresponding increase in customer retention will positively impact your overall bottom line.
Here are some benefits client success could bring to your business.
Customer retention is always cheaper than customer acquisition. To retain your customers, you need to be genuinely interested in their needs — and give them no reason to seek other alternatives. This will lead to a stable inflow of revenue streams to your business.
Focusing on client success will most likely lead to more satisfied customers — and when customers are satisfied, they’ll most likely upgrade to higher plans, renew their subscriptions, or opt for extra services.
Businesses that focus on client success will likely grow the loyalty their customers have for them. Loyal customers translate to more brand advocates, and people who will recommend your products or services. Furthermore, client success helps you gather lots of positive feedback and testimonials from previous customers. In the business world, feedback and testimonials are major pieces of social proof — and the right social proof can skyrocket your business growth.
Client success stories usually boost the morale of the team members. It always serves as positive reinforcement — and that could lead to more productive engagement by the team members.
Client success could be a reliable way of generating data from your customers. These data tell you everything you need to know about your customers — their preferences, pain points, and behavioral patterns. All these help business owners make strategic planning in their businesses.
Aside from data collected from customers, client success gives you a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Publishing customer success stories will help differentiate you from other competitors in your niche. It shows your unique value proposition and attracts more customers who are looking for the same results.
Developing a client success plan could be the one thing that will skyrocket your business growth. Here’s an easy guideline to help you develop one.
Converse with your target audience to figure out what their aspirations and expectations are. For instance, if you run a digital marketing agency, your customer’s goal could be doubling their online sales. You can gather this data by directly asking your audience questions on your social media pages or sending out surveys to your audience.
The customer’s experience should be broken down into the discovery stage, purchase stage, onboarding stage, and ongoing usage stage. For instance, if you manage a subscription-based service, you need to figure out how the users discover your platform, sign up, navigate through the platform, and interact with the elements within the platform.
Figure out the needs, challenges, and pain points at each stage of the customer journey.
Data obtained from the customer journey should help you set measurable and specific objectives. For example, if you sell fitness tracking software, you should ascertain that about 90% of your new customers get a workout plan that aligns with their fitness goals. You could also build a community where your users ask questions, and get answers.
Your customers should be segmented based on their purchasing power, behavioral patterns, and your industry. For instance, someone who runs a cloud storage service should have offerings for their users and corporate clients — and these offerings have to be different. Each of these service offerings should come with a support and communication unit that is tailored to it.
Always review your client success strategy using the data obtained from your performance metrics. For instance, a business person who runs a boutique hotel should take a close look at the booking patterns of their customers at the end of each quarter. They should also ask their customers for direct feedback. Data obtained from all these could be used to adjust their service offerings. This way, their brand gets to meet and exceed the expectations of their customers.
Before crafting a client success strategy, here are some best practices you should have in mind.
What does success mean to your customers? You need to have a good grasp of what their desired outcomes and goals are. Your customer’s idea of success should align with your unique value proposition. Also, keep a close eye on your key performance indicators (KPIs), and track your client’s goals.
Segment your customers based on their behavioral patterns, their needs, and your industry. This enables you to design a strategy for each customer segment. You also need to have a good grasp of your customer’s challenges and needs. Surveys, interviews, and direct feedback will help you understand what’s going on in your customer’s mind. Furthermore, you have to anticipate what your client’s needs are and come up with the right guidance, support, and resources to help them achieve them.
Your customer onboarding process should be personalized and smooth. There has to be training and a dedicated support team to help them throughout the process. You also need to regularly engage with your customers — and that involves regular webinars, check-in calls, and building an online community.
To effectively measure client success, you need to identify the right metrics. Gather valuable feedback from your customers, and come up with metrics that align with your customer’s goals. Results obtained from measuring your metrics should be tied to industry standards — and gauge your performance.
When it comes to gathering data, you need to know where to gather data for your preferred metrics. And that could be through surveys, support tickets, or CRM systems. After that, settle on how frequently you’ll analyze and track the data. It could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. To get the most out of your data collection process, you’ll have to visualize the data and track the reports to identify trends or patterns.
If you notice any anomaly, dig deep to figure out the issue, and come up with ways to address such issues.
Client success involves the attainment of a specific goal or objective customers desire by using your brand offering. It’s about meeting (and exceeding) the expectations of your customers.
To achieve client success, you need to figure out what the customers are looking for and come up with ways to help them achieve their goals and objectives. It goes beyond making sales — it’s about building strong relationships with your customers.
Client success and customer success are often used interchangeably, but there are some differences between the two. First, client success is used in the business-to-business (B2B) industry, but customer success is used in the business-to-consumer (B2C) industry.
Strategically build relationships with your customers. Take some time to know your customers, their needs, and their businesses. That’s a sure way to show them that you care about them.
Client success plays a major role in the growth and expansion of any business. By focusing on the client’s success, and ascertaining that your customers are satisfied with your brand offering, it will boost repeat purchases and build loyalty among your audience.
The first step to ascertaining client success is to know what your customer’s goals are. And that involves figuring out what their needs and challenges are — and how you can help them solve them. Furthermore, you need to get a good grasp of your customer journey and collect relevant data from your customers. Finally, you’ll have to craft plans for the different customers you cater to. Keep reviewing your overall strategy and eliminate actions that do not contribute to the overall success of your business.
Now you know what client success is, how will you develop a client success plan?
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