PPC advertising is driving forward at a fast pace. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovations, more accessible technology is being utilized and implemented into every digital facet. One of these innovations is voice search.
Digital marketing is far from the same as it was years ago. These new tools are created to analyze ads and optimize online PPC advertising campaigns. Machine learning and AI have been the core contributors to the new era of digital advertising advancements.
In terms of voice and visual search, these are new and advanced ways of helping users utilize online searches. Due to their incredible popularity, they are expected to dominate over text-based search in the near future.
In this blog, we’ll highlight the role of voice search and how it may drive the future of digital advertising.
The process of online browsing via voice recognition is known as voice search.
This technological advancement, along with AI voice generators, has been integrated into every new smart device, making interactions more seamless and personalized. AI Voice generator not only assist in browsing but also in creating custom responses and actions based on user input. Because of this, voice search and AI-generated content have found their way into many people’s lives.
Let’s look at some of the stats and general information surrounding voice search. As of now, people can use voice search for the following purposes:
These are simple, routine tasks, but if you can complete these tasks just by asking your phone a one-sentence question, it ends up being a lot easier than relying on text.
So, who are the main audiences using voice search?
A quick glance at the usage stats by age group can be surprising. According to a US-based study, voice search is currently being used by people between the ages of:
It isn’t surprising that teenagers are utilizing this technology as they tend to adapt to new trends a lot faster, however, the percentage of older individuals using voice search is what’s most staggering. This hints to the technology’s increased usability.
Now that we’ve grasped some basic facts and understanding of voice search, it’s time to look at how it’s changing the digital marketing landscape as we know it.
Like most AI advancements, digital marketing and therefore PPC strategies will always fluctuate to incorporate the new trends… and the strong and fast-acting force that is voice search is no exception.
Let’s look at the top ways voice search is affecting how digital marketing operates today.
The decrease in response time offered by voice search is leading to an increased amount of searches per user. Using this technology for searches requires less time than simple textual-based search. Now, users can browse the internet by voice without the hassle of opening a browser and fixing typed mistakes.
As voice search continues to dominate, traditional long-form content is being replaced by precise and engaging articles. Content writers must adapt to these new formats in order to stay up to date with new trends and maintain a good page ranking.
Legitimacy is more important than ever now that voice search is on the scene. Due to voice assistants’ AI-based algorithms, they’re able to search for and give preference to the most optimized and updated content.
Contact information such as phone numbers and addresses should be readily available on your site. This is because more people are searching for contact numbers online via voice search. Therefore, your website will be left behind if it doesn’t provide the option that the voice assistant is looking for.
This also gives rise to the increased use of call-only campaigns. If you enable your call-only campaign, you’ll likely receive better traffic results and possible conversions. To create this possibility, make sure your campaign ad is voice search optimized.
Digital voice assistants will often read the content aloud to the searcher. Knowing this, the content found online must always sound natural, meaning it should be written for humans first – not Google.
Long-tail keywords are becoming crucial for PPC and the future of local-based searches. This is especially true with voice search as people tend to use more specific, grammatically-correct queries.
Marketers will need to conduct thorough research on the user’s intent and take note of possible keywords that may trigger their ads. Keep in mind that voice search involves more natural speech patterns, which tend to consist of longer, more precise questions.
This technological advancement is forcing marketers to become mobile-friendly. If your site is slow to load or isn’t mobile optimized, customers landing on your site will leave right away, and voice assistants will pick up on this as well.
Lastly, marketers can gain actionable insights from analyzing user behaviors and engagements. This is based on the search data history, and it will ultimately lead to a better understanding of your ideal audience, and their needs.
While voice search still isn’t perfect, it does provide a better user experience than before. The trends suggest voice search dominance in the near future, which means it’s time to start optimizing your strategies and marketing plans to suit these advancements.
The future of search is exciting. But staying on top of the trends and watching your business advance in unison with this game-changing technology is what will make the future even more inspiring.
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