Automation is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, the Google Ads account take over is just getting started.
Over the past year, we saw a laundry list of big changes to Google Ads, many of which were geared towards the goal of making paid advertising more efficient, more automated, and more intelligent. Among the new features, you may have encountered:
For advertisers, all this boils down to a little less work, and potentially a lot more rewards.
Sounds good, right? In theory, it is. But how much control is Google going to take?
It’s time to come to terms with the truth.
Recently, Google Ads issued an email to existing users, which detailed imminent changes to the advertising platform. Basically, it said this:
“In seven days, Google Ads representative will start making changes to advertiser accounts if advertisers don’t opt out”.
However, the key thing to realize here is that this change is not another step towards domination by robots. While artificial intelligence is becoming more intertwined in paid advertising, this update is human-powered — you are going to have Google Ads experts helping you manage your campaign.
That assistance will come in a variety of forms, as the Google experts will help you:
A big concern for many people is that this ‘takeover’ will cost you more money. So, you’ll be glad to learn that the experts won’t touch your budget. They aim to optimize your account within the budget limit you have defined.
Google claim they are doing this to “help customers get the best results from Google Ads”, and the customers will be able to accept or reject any recommendations if they wish.
You can opt out completely when you receive the email, and there is also another option to opt out at a later date.
So, on the surface, this seems like a promising move. For any advertisers who are struggling to get the most out of Google Ads, having an expert help you out may transform the fortunes of your campaigns. But is there anything to be concerned about?
Let’s assume that many of the changes the experts make will be led by Google’s AI recommendation engine. If that’s the case, some people may feel uncomfortable with handing over control of their accounts. Leaving things on autopilot could lead to wasted spend through high cost-per-click rates.
That being said, the whole purpose of this update is to help customers achieve better results. Therefore, if the “experts” cost you money, perhaps Google will offer a refund. This remains to be seen, and we’ll learn more in time when the changes take shape in the weeks and months ahead.
Essentially, you have two choices:
Right now, you have the option to opt out. However, Google being Google, we must expect the push for automation and control to remove that option down the line. Therefore, if you like being king of your advertising castle, you should probably opt out while you still have the choice.
Paid advertising veterans who are comfortable and committed to making their campaigns work on their own terms may be happy to keep doing what they’re doing. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it, right?
Imagine you are losing a lot of money in your campaigns. Perhaps you’ve considered cutting your losses completely to throw the towel in with paid advertising. The option of having an expert take the reins may sound good then.
Therefore, opting in for a little while could be a smart move. Google will harness its powerful algorithm and its deep data reserves to deliver the best possible results for you.
Ideally, you should keep a close eye on what’s going on. Don’t just throw the keys to Google and walk off into the sunset! You can use an analysis tool from the PPCexpo Reports Library to gauge the performance of Google’s experts. Then you’ll be able to decide if it’s best to leave them in charge or take back control yourself.
The news that Google is to handle advertisers campaign management is an exciting development that could help many advertisers finally generate a positive return on advertising spend (ROAS). With the help of Google Ads experts, you can get your campaigns fully optimized to deliver the results you deserve.
You may be cautious about letting Google have too much control, so it’s wise to remain active in your account, even when you have an expert running things. Maintain a good overview of their changes, and monitor the results to determine whether they are doing a good job or not.
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