Over the past 24 hours, there has been a heavy influx of chatter with mixed reactions across SEOs and webmaster forums.
One of the most popular forums with webmasters, Webmaster World, is currently experiencing a surge in posts from digital marketers all over the world.
Here are some of those comments:
“Seems like traffic is starting to recover for me right now. Google ads I’m just focusing on one or two campaigns with ads that have proven to work (so far at least) after close to a thousand ads of a/b testing, so the CPA is really low and conv. rate is really high (for now)”.
“Seeing more changes this morning. Seeing a reversal from the changes I saw on the 28th Feb. Anyone else seeing this?”
“My SERPs bounce up and down every day…one day gain, on day lose. But my direct traffic has been blitzed this past week. Today’s traffic has been fine so far, but other days this week I have lost almost half the direct traffic and -30% on my home page. This is just the new normal I think”
“Sensors are spiking again. Seeing very very fleeting moments of recovery and then they disappear just as soon as they arrived. But sensor seems to be heading past the level of 2/3 March which is when the worst of whatever this current decline is started”.
“Clearly there was another update the last few days. Everything is going down again all across the board”
“Still movement here in my UK niches. Not a lot but with so much Google clutter a shift from third to fourth can decimate traffic and below that the site might just as well not be there.”
“To be honest I’ve not been taking much notice of my global website stats since the UK’Govt announcement last Monday about re-opening-up the UK economy, the hotel venue has been taking priority, and a good thing too with the volume of inquiries and provisional / confirmed bookings coming in.
So this morning, it was good to see my metrics:
February 2021 v January +25.5% (This was a big surprise)
February 2021 v February 2020 +290%
Genuine business inquiries seem to be very good.”
Some tools are showing significant signs of updates over the past 24 hours, such as BrightLocal.
The BrightLocal tool picked up one of the most significant updates seen in recent years.
It usually runs at the 2.x in terms of local pack changes, but on Wednesday, March 11th, it showed 6.78 out of 10 in terms of fluctuations in the local search results.
Here is a screenshot of the tool:
BrightLocal said the following on Twitter: “LocalRankFlux is reporting its biggest number to date. It is not just one specific industry but all of them. All industries are trending above their norm, with real estate being particularly volatile…
But don’t panic and don’t make any big changes yet! It’s always possible this could be a Google bug?”.
You can keep close tabs on the discussion as it unfolds on Twitter.
Stay tuned to PPCexpo for more news.
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